【同义词辨析】 2017-04-03 边界border-brink

border: refers to the part of a surface just within a boundary: magazine cover’s red ~; or the boundary itself: across international ~s.     (boundary边界是本组基础词refers to something that shows where an area ends and another area begins一个地区和另一地区的交界,如those two trees mark the boundary of our property那两棵树是我们庄园的边界,如a story at/on the boundary between fact and fiction介于事实和虚构之间的故事;还引申为能被接受的的限度acceptable limits,如set boundaries with your children为孩子立规矩,如they're pushing the boundaries of Chinese cooking挑战中式餐饮的极限,如my admiration for him knows no boundaries对他无限景仰)

margin: denotes a border or definite width or distinguishing character: a ~ of one inch on the page’s left side.    (margin较常用,有5个意思  1、页边页白the empty space at the side of a written page,如the left/right/wide/narrow margin左右宽窄页边空白边,margin notes2、优势或差距the difference of votes or points between the winner and the loser, in an election or contest,如they ended up with a 50-point winning margin他们最终以50分的优势获胜,如he lost by a narrow margin他以小比分/选票差距输掉比赛/选举 3、利润profit,如what are your average operating margins你们平均营业利润率是多少?如a gross margin of 45% 45%的毛利  4、余地,时间空间金钱等的余量an extra amount of time, space, or money,etc如safety margin安全距离,margin of error误差范围  5、边缘the extreme edge or limit of something,如people who live on/at the margins of the city生活在城市边缘的人,如poor families who are living on the margins of society生活在社会边缘的贫困家庭(常被忽视忘记))   形容词marginal表示数量小的不属于主体部分的不重要的不优秀的small or slight, not included in the main part of the society or group, not very important, 如a marginal problem/improvement/voters/athletes问题/改进/边缘选民/不优秀的运动员   动词marginalize使边缘化,即使人难以获得重要地位和权力,如policies that marginalize women in the society使妇女在社会中边缘化的政策

verge: applies to the line marking an extreme limit or termination of something: an empire that extended to the ~ of the known world.   介词短语on the verge of tears/success/extinction接近流泪/成功/濒临灭绝 = to verge on         termination终结=limit,来自拉丁词根TERM/TERMIN=to limit, bound限制,如indeterminate未确定的interminable无休止的terminus终点terminal illness绝症term学期或术语,表示"有界限"的事物,terminator终结者是给某事划上句号的人

edge: denotes the line of termination made by two converging surfaces as of a blade or a box: the ~ of the table.   edge还表示优势  the edges of a mountain山,when the mountain becomes edgeless无棱

rim: applies to an edge of something circular or curving: the ~ of a wagon wheel.

brim: applies to the upper inner rim of something hollow: fill the cup to the ~.         如the brim of a bowl碗的上沿,a wide-brimmed hat帽,如she filled the glass up to the brim酒杯,to brim with表示充满,如to brim with tears/confidence/joy充满泪水/信心/喜悦

brink: denotes the edge of something that falls away steeply: walked to the ~ of the cliff; and may imply abrupt transition: nations on the ~ of peace.

border边界: 指边界或靠近边界部分,margin边缘差额余地: 可以指边界差额,verge(极限的)边界: 特指到达极限的边界,edge棱角: 两个平面汇合形成的边界(如刀锋桌棱),rim: 指圆弧形物体的边缘,brim: 指圆弧形中空物体的上边缘, brink: 陡峭的边缘,可形容突变

记忆方法: 1) 首字母MBB VERB,MBB马季伯伯VERB说话说相声<==天南海北,漫无边界 verbal有3个意思 1、文字的词汇的 2、语言的、口语的 3、动词的,这里把verb想成口语语言      另外,fringe也表示边缘外围次要部分,本义是额前头发刘海,孙杨事件后,曾有人指责澳大利亚生活在文明世界的边缘a country existing at the fringes of civilization

          3)边界的意思是界限mean a line or outer part that marks the limit of something.首字母MBB VERB,MBB马季伯伯VERB说话说相声<==天南海北,漫无边界